UNM Rainforest Innovations

The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) recently issued 11 U.S. patents to UNM Rainforest Innovations during the months of April, May, & June for technologies invented at the University of New Mexico. The patents, issued during UNM Rainforest Innovations’ 2024 fiscal fourth quarter, are for a variety of technologies created by researchers in the Departments of Pharmacy; Internal Medicine; Pathology; Chemistry; Physics & Astronomy; Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering; Electrical & Computer Engineering; Chemical & Biological Engineering; and the Center for High Technology Materials.

Issued Patent for “Coenzyme Q10 Aersosol

Patent No. 11,944,704, issued April 2, 2024

Inventors: Jason McConville, Thiago Cardoso Carvalho, Kristina Schonhoff

(Ref. 2015-117) 

The present invention provides a formulation of Coenzyme Q10 that can be re-dispersed from a stable dry powder to formulation to yield a nanodispersion that can be readily aerosolized for inhalation. 

Issued Patent for “Broadband Active Mirror Architecture for High Power Optically Pumped Semiconductor Disk Lasers”

Patent No. 11,949,211, issued April 2, 2024

This technology is currently licensed.

Inventors: Mansoor Sheik-Bahae, Alexander Robert Albrecht, Zhou Yang

(Ref. 2019-019) 

This invention describes a vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser (VECSEL) and a method of forming the VECSEL. The VECSEL includes a heat sink; a heat spreader or heat spreader formed on a top surface of the heat sink, where the heat spreader comprises a first material having a first refractive index; and a high contrast grating formed on a top surface of the heat spreader or active region, wherein the high contrast grating comprises an active region and the high contrast grating comprising a second material having a second refractive index, the second refractive index is greater than the first refractive index. 

Issued Patent for “Sealing Crude Oil Leakage Through Wellbore Cement Fracture Using Electrokinesis”

Patent No. 11,952,859, issued April 9, 2024

This technology is currently licensed.

Inventors: Ishtiaque Anwar, Mahmoud Taha, John Stormont

(Ref. 2019-122) 

The present invention provides a method of repairing one or more fractures in a wellbore cement by an electric field to move micelles from crude oil to the area to be repaired. 

Patent No. 11,954,819, issued April 9, 2024

Inventors: Marios Pattichis, Cesar Carranza, Daniel Llamocca Obregon

(Ref. 2020-077) 

Described here is an optimal approach for computing convolutions and cross-correlations of large databases of images that can be arbitrarily large. Throughput is maximized by breaking each image into optimal blocks and then using overlap-and-add method to compute the final result. A parallelized 2D FFT is applied over each block that runs a thread for each physical core. 

Issued Patent for “Method for Treating Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular and Kidney Diseases by Regulating GPR30/GPER Activity”

Patent No. 11,963,949, issued on April 23, 2024

Inventors: Eric Prossnitz, Geetanjali Sharma, Matthias Barton, Matthias Meyer

(Ref. 2015-086) 

The current invention is in the field of molecular biology/pharmacology and provides methods of using compounds that modulate the effects of GPR30/GPER for treating obesity and diabetes (preferably agonists) as well as disease states and/or conditions that result from excessive formation of reactive oxygen species (preferably antagonists). These compounds may function as agonists and/or antagonists of the disclosed estrogen receptor and/or modulate the expression/upregulation of nox and nox-associated reactive oxygen species (ROS).

Issued Patent for “Methods And Compositions For Antimicrobial Treatment”

Patent No. 11,969,511, issued April 30, 2024

This technology is currently licensed.

Inventors: Marek Osinski, Hugh D. C. Smyth, Leisha Marie Armijo, Hennaka Nihal Bandara, Herath Mudiyanselage

(Ref. 2015-079)

Various embodiments disclosed relate to methods and compositions for antimicrobial treatment. In various embodiments, the present invention provides a method of antimicrobial treatment. The method includes at least one of exposing at least one microbe to a magnetic field, and contacting the at least one microbe with at least one nanoparticle including iron. 

Issued Patent for “Method And System To Mimic A Random Structural Pattern

Patent No. 11,981,789, issued May 14, 2024

Inventors: Sang Eon Han, Sang M. Han

(Ref. 2018-013) 

This invention describes a method and resulting device that mimics the light scattering properties of a random structural pattern using microspheres.

Issued Patent for “Treatment Methods And Compositions

Patent No. 11,986,501, issued May 21, 2024

Inventors: Thomas Ma

(Ref. 2014-095) 

This disclosure describes compositions and methods involving amounts of probiotic bacteria effective to decrease intestinal permeability or intestinal epithelial tight junction permeability in a subject having or at risk of having defective intestinal barrier, increased intestinal permeability and/or intestinal epithelial tight junction permeability compared to a normal subject. The probiotic bacteria can include a Lactobacillus spp. and/or a Bifidobacterium spp.

Issued Patent for “Application For Inhibitors Of CAMP Efflux In Body Care

Patent No. 11,986,544, issued May 21, 2024

Inventors: Dominique Renee Perez, Larry Sklar, Alexandre Chigaev

(Ref. 2019-048) 

The present invention is directed to previously identified inhibitors of cAMP efflux (ICE) and their use in treating/masking body odor, inhibiting, reducing and/or eliminating hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), tanning skin or protecting skin before and/or after exposure to the sun as well as for treating certain skin conditions, in one embodiment, the invention provides a method for inhibiting body odor, a condition that is characterized by an unpleasant odor from the products of the microbial sweat degradation. By inhibiting the efflux of the precursor compounds that are degraded, novel compounds are capable of preventing unwanted odors. Deodorant compositions that employ this new approach for the control of bodily odor are provided, ICE compounds can also be used as components, of cosmetic formulations including tanning and after-sun formulations, formulations for skin conditions as described herein and other cosmetic formulations. 

Issued Patent for “Near Infrared Small Molecule Probes For The Detection Of Cellular Senescence

Patent No. 12,005,128, issued June 11, 2024

Inventors: Lina Cui, Jun Liu, Xiaowei Ma, Ying Wang, Philip Deenik

(Ref. 2018-037) 

Described here is a probe comprising a biomarker-triggered moiety, a near infrared (NIR) fluorophore reporter, a self-immolative linker and a self-immobilizing moiety for visualization of senescent cells and methods of use thereof. 

Issued Patent for “Cementitious Sensors With Acoustic Stopbands Using Carbon Nanotubes

Patent No. 12,019,048, issued June 25, 2024

Inventors: Mahmoud Taha, Sang M. Han, John Stormont, Thomas Dewers, Laura Pyrak-Nolte, Shreya Vemuganti

(Ref. 2019-017) 

This invention provides a sensor having one or more stopbands and method of using the same for detecting damage, cracking and debonding in a cement structure comprising a cementitious material and a plurality of periodic structures located in the cementitious material.

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