UNM Rainforest Innovations

UNM Rainforest Innovations (UNMRI), the University of New Mexico’s technology-transfer and economic development organization, has wrapped up another successful fiscal year. Metrics for technology-transfer and commercialization activities from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024, included 92 invention disclosures, 70 new U.S. patent applications filed, and the issuance of 33 patents. All three of these categories saw increases from the previous fiscal year.

Commercialization activity also increased from last year and included 44 option/license agreements signed with new startups and established companies for UNM technologies. The fiscal year also saw 7 new startup companies form from UNM technologies.

Total income (approximately $5.7 million) is diversified to include license income and other income including patent cost reimbursement, funding from the University of New Mexico, the Cecchi VentureLab program, and others.

The startup companies formed in 2024 include:

Company Name Description
Blue Eye Soft Int., LLC
IT Software Solutions company focused on providing right managed services and IT solutions.
Sandia Medical Technologies, Inc.
Developing prosthetic implants for CMC arthritis.
Ovax, Inc.
Developing proven vaccine technologies to stop fentanyl overdoses.
Epigentor Consultants, Inc.
Developing innovative products and solutions for bioremediation through enzymatic applications.
Allora Diagnostics, LLC
A venture-backed healthcare company commercializing a rapid, point-of-care breath test for the diagnosis of pulmonary infections.
Cognitek Management Systems, Inc.
Developing an innovative process to desalinate brackish water and other clean energy technologies.
Flow Aluminum, Inc.
Developing aluminum-based, low-cost energy storage systems for electric vehicles and microgrids.
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