UNM Rainforest Innovations

In early 2024, the Navajo Nation announced that applications were open for the Navajo Artisans and Navajo Small Business Relief Grants funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Over the past several months, since this announcement, UNM Rainforest Innovations tribal liaison, Mytegia Lee has been helping small business owners and artisans throughout Gallup, McKinley County, and other parts of the eastern Navajo Nation, apply for these funds to help sustain and grow their businesses. With Mytegia’s help, guidance and technical assistance filling out the grant application and navigating through the requirements set forth by the Navajo Nation, Mytegia Lee and UNMRI’s New Mexico Tribal Entrepreneurship Enhancement Program (NMTEEP) were able to assist the following businesses to apply and secure funding:

  • Nizhoni Smiles
  • Karla Ray Salon
  • Iron Cowboy Gym
  • Diamond Cuts Barbershop
  • June Raphael Jewelry
  • Plateros Jewelry

NMTEEP is currently working on collecting these success stories to showcase each business and how accessing these funds have helped them move forward. The businesses who received funding have all shared that they would not have been able to navigate the application process without the help of Mytegia and her mentorship provided through her role as a tribal liaison.

Join us in thanking and congratulating Mytegia in helping move Navajo small businesses and entrepreneurs forward!

If you would like to learn more about the Tribal Entrepreneurship Enhancement Program please visit: https://innovations.unm.edu/program-activities/tribal-entrepreneurship/

Connect with a Tribal Liaison: https://innovations.unm.edu/program-activities/tribal-entrepreneurship/tribal-liaisons/

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