UNM Rainforest Innovations

Every semester, students from various academic backgrounds at the University of New Mexico (UNM) have the chance to participate in the internship program at UNM Rainforest Innovations (UNMRI). This program provides an in-depth exploration of university technology transfer and commercialization, offering interns valuable insights into how academic research is transformed into practical applications. To date, the program has trained over 200 interns.

Our featured intern this month is Geneva Stanton, a mechanical engineering student and inventor at UNM. “I didn’t always see myself taking this route in school,” said Geneva. “My first major was biology. I have always been interested in biomimetics (and) realized that mechanical engineering would allow me to actually build and design using biomimicry, so I changed my major.”

Geneva first discovered the internship by attending an inventor mixer hosted by UNM Rainforest Innovations where she mingled with UNMRI staff and other fellow inventors to learn the ins and outs of disclosing inventions. It was there that she was encouraged to apply for an Innovation Student Intern opening.

Geneva is currently working on two innovations. “One of them is a mechanical security device for windows and patio doors, and my other invention is an antimicrobial medical patch that promotes deep wound healing. I plan to market my inventions to the home security mechanical device market, and the medical supply market. I have submitted one of my inventions to Rainforest Innovations and I plan to submit another application for my current invention.”

As an Innovation Student Intern, Geneva learns about new innovations being developed at UNM and works to write marketing summaries, research target companies to market new technologies to, and stores contact information into the UNMRI database.

When asked what was one of the most valuable things she has learned so far, she replied, “Some valuable things I have learned as a student intern is how to research and find information effectively and how the email marketing process works. I have learned a lot and gained many skills working for UNM Rainforest Innovations.”

As for what’s next on her journey, Geneva plans to continue working on her inventions and has hopes to someday work for a mechanical engineering company where she can help design and work with robots.

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