UNM Rainforest Innovations

UNM Rainforest Innovations (UNMRI) recently hosted a group of 10 students and university professionals from Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) and Kyushu Institute of Technology. The group participated in professional training sessions and presentations focused on best practices in university technology transfer and economic development.

Led by Eri Hoshi, Co-Founder of KOSEI, LLC (Knowledge Transfer of Sports, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation), the group engaged in a series of presentations by UNMRI staff on key topics such as commercialization, marketing strategies, intellectual property, economic development, licensing agreements, and invention disclosures. Additionally, students received an introduction to the fundamentals of technology and startup pitch presentations.

During their visit, the group received presentations and toured several local organizations, including Flow Aluminum, Inc., the UNM Center for High Technology Materials, the UNM Innovation Academy, the COSMIAC research center, Radiant Technologies, Inc., and Tamarindo Partners, LLC, and Sacco Connections LLC. The week ended with pitch presentations by the students, with Lisa Kuuttila, Cara Michaliszyn, and Casey DeRaad, the CEO & Founder of NewSpace Nexus, serving as judges.

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