UNM Rainforest Innovations (formerly known as the STC.UNM and Science & Technology Corporation @ UNM) is a nonprofit corporation formed and owned entirely by the University of New Mexico Board of Regents (UNM). We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with an independent board of directors. Located at the Lobo Rainforest Building in the heart of the Innovation District in Albuquerque, New Mexico, UNM Rainforest Innovations has proximity to research and development and laboratory facilities and other technology based companies, many of which are the creation of UNM Rainforest Innovations.

To foster a Rainforest in the Desert, UNM Rainforest Innovations nurtures innovation and catalyzes economic development.
As a New Mexico University Research Park and Economic Development Act organization, UNM Rainforest Innovations does this by
- protecting technologies developed at UNM and transferring these technologies to the marketplace, via starting new companies and transferring technologies to established companies;
- connecting the business community to UNM for access to expertise, facilities, and research activities; and
- facilitating UNM’s role as a contributor to New Mexico’s economic development.
UNM Rainforest Innovations’ dedicated staff is business oriented. Our full-time job is to understand the potential market applications of the wide range of technologies developed at UNM and to efficiently get them to companies that can commercialize them. UNM Rainforest Innovations is committed to securing the best match between a technology and the market.
Core Values
UNM Rainforest Innovations values its constituents, including staff, inventors, entrepreneurs, investors, industry contacts, and other UNM, scientific, business, and legal community members. The core values, developed by staff consensus, guide us in all aspects of our work and our decision-making processes.
UNM Rainforest Innovations embraces change to increase effectiveness.
UNM Rainforest Innovations maintains balance in its operations to support individual growth and wellness.
UNM Rainforest Innovations staff works cooperatively with each other and collaborates with its partners to build relationships.
UNM Rainforest Innovations expresses appreciation to staff and its partners to create a considerate environment.
UNM Rainforest Innovations maintains high standards and is ethical, respectful and transparent in all practices.
UNM Rainforest Innovations anticipates its partners needs and provides innovative solutions.
UNM Rainforest Innovations provides outstanding customer service by being consistently available and responsive.