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UNM Rainforest Innovations

Principal, Fisher Leadership Strategy Execution 


AB – Human Relations, University of California at Berkeley
MD – University of Missouri at Columbia
MSPH – University of Missouri at Columbia

Business/Research Background

Dr. Fisher specializes in leadership development, strategy assessment and execution. He has contributed to the development of some of the country’s finest leaders and teams. He is regularly engaged with enterprise level transactions, strategy execution and complex leadership issues that are focused on cost savings, risk reduction and revenue production. He is trained and seasoned in systems thinking and is said by his clients to have the capacity to “see around the corner,” resulting in an ability to help them control their careers and business futures. His client companies have ranged in size and character from publicly traded corporations and pre-IPO start-ups to partnerships and family businesses in the United States and Europe. Dr. Fisher’s educational background includes an undergraduate degree from the University of California at Berkeley in Human Resources, a master’s degree in Public Health and a medical degree from the University of Missouri at Columbia. He completed his psychiatry residency at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco and was a public service science resident for the National Science Foundation.

Particular Knowledge and Skills

Dr. Fisher has conducted leadership integration and leadership development seminars at Stanford Hospital and Clinics, and at Stanford University Medical Center. He has been a speaker at Stanford’s Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Genentech and Berkeley’s School of Ophthalmology. He currently serves on the advisory board for technology company abInventio and previously served on the board for Adapt SEM. In 2006, Dr. Fisher was appointed by the Department of Defense to its Joint Civilian Orientation Conference and tasked with analyzing the quality of leadership within the five branches of the U.S. military.