Former President, Science & Technology Corporation @ UNM, Retired
BA – Economics, UNM
LLM – Corporate Law, New York University
Business/Research Background
Mr. Wellborn practiced corporate law in New Mexico for nearly 30 years, including serving as President of the State Bar of New Mexico in 1982. After many years of working with technology companies and promoting technology-based economic development, Mr. Wellborn took on the challenge of technology commercialization, becoming the first full-time President of STC.UNM (then Science & Technology Corporation @ UNM) in May of 1995. From 1991-1998, he served on the New Mexico Venture Capital Advisory Committee that has been instrumental in bringing five venture capital firms to New Mexico.
Particular Knowledge and Skills
Mr. Wellborn is a former chair of the Economic Forum, an organization comprised of the major business, governmental and educational institutions in the Albuquerque area. He was also the founding chairman of the New Mexico Small Business Investment Corporation and of the New Mexico Tax Research Institute. Mr. Wellborn currently serves as Secretary/Treasurer on the Innovate ABQ, Inc., Board of Directors.