Prominent Bayh-Dole Supporter Passes Away
A prominent Bayh-Dole supporter, Betsy Ancker-Johnson (1927-2020) has recently passed away. Betsy was a strong supporter of the patent system and chaired the Interagency Committee on patent policy where she […]
Local Startup on Track to Developing Drug to Treat Diabetes and Obesity
GPER G-1 Development Group is a drug discovery and development company with the primary goal of advancing novel drug candidates that target GPER. The company has licensed a collection of […]
UNM Professor and Inventor Nathan Jackson to Lead New Project for Department of Defense
Nathan Jackson, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and inventor at UNM, is the sole principal investigator for a new project funded by the Army Research Office, the Army’s principal […]
Inventor Spotlight – David S. Peabody, Ph.D.

David S. Peabody, Ph.D. Professor Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Member, Comprehensive Cancer Center The University of New Mexico 2017 RAINFOREST INNOVATION FELLOW As a 2017 STC Innovation Fellow, […]