Sixteen U.S. Patents Issued to STC for UNM Technologies in October, November and December
The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) recently issued sixteen U.S. patents to STC during the months of October, November, and December for technologies invented at the University of New […]
Technology Developed by Former UNM Emergency Medicine Doctor Reaches the $1 Million Mark in Sales
In 2012, STC.UNM licensed a lightweight, one-size-fits-all femoral traction splint, developed by former UNM emergency medicine doctor Sam Slishman, to medical supplies and products company Rescue Essentials. Today, the Slishman […]
ABQ startup brings blazing fast internet to local college
Albuquerque startup OptiPulse Inc. will soon be testing its laser chips for wireless networking at Central New Mexico Community College’s (CNM) main campus. The company has developed 10 gigabytes-per-second speeds […]
UNM Distinguished Faculty and Inventor Receives National Honor
Dr. C. Jeffrey Brinker, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering and Fellow at Sandia National Labs, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Academy […]
Fourteen U.S. Patents Issued and One Trademark Registered for UNM Technologies in July, August, and September
The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) recently issued fourteen U.S. patents and registered one trademark during July, August, and September for technologies invented at the University of New Mexico. […]
STC.UNM Receives EDA University Center Grant
STC.UNM, the University of New Mexico’s technology-transfer and economic-development organization, announced today that it has received a University Center Grant from the federal Economic Development Administration (EDA) to support high-growth […]
UNM Inventor Moving Forward with Innovation
UNM inventor Dr. Christina Salas, an assistant professor in the departments of orthopaedics & rehabilitation and mechanical engineering, is developing technology that promises one day to improve the treatment for […]
UNM startup BennuBio receives $1.5 million investment from the State’s Catalyst Fund
A UNM technology that has been incubating a superfast, multi sample cytometer that can screen cells up to 100 times faster than what’s currently on the market is getting a […]
Statewide Economic Impact Report first to survey entire UNM system
Economic productivity of UNM alumni also noted A recently completed report of The University of New Mexico’s economic impact on the state of New Mexico reveals that one of its […]
Lobo Rainforest Building Marks One-Year Anniversary
On August 25, 2017, the Lobo Rainforest Building officially opened its doors to the UNM and New Mexico innovation and entrepreneurial communities. The building currently has a 100% occupancy rate […]